An influencer was caught dumping a token only 15 minutes after receiving them. Meanwhile he was tweeting “hodling my HODL coin”

An influencer was caught dumping a token only 15 minutes after receiving them. Meanwhile he was tweeting “hodling my HODL coin”
An influencer was caught dumping a token only 15 minutes after receiving them. Meanwhile he was tweeting “hodling my HODL coin”

"@DannyCrypt" is a Twitter and social media influencer in the crypto space. He actually boosts a pretty good following by the number but beware, it is EXTREMELY easy to fluff your follower counts and even engagements and tweet-comments with bot traffic for a pretty reasonable price.

More important he is a MASSIVE shill for sh*tcoins, I can't even describe them as memecoins, just actual sh*tcoins. What I'd imagine he the dude for bot traffic to gain the appearance of a reputable sources and use the fake reputation as a means to entice others to FOMO into these shitcoins.

The ENTIRETY of his Twitter page is sh*tcoins. There's no way you can convince me that that many people are following him just for his sh*tcoin posts where almost all the tokens take a dump after what is likely a rugpull.

Now, Twitter blockchain sleuth ZachXBT has out him as we see the tweet:

And yet we see he/she received the tokens(the last row) and started dumping 15 minutes later.

ZachXBT made a pretty neat graph of the transaction. Credit to him.

Well kids, don't trust influencers. You may as well through them in the same bucket with billionaires. Neither are your friends.

submitted by /u/OneThatNoseOne
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